This screens for insider ownership greater than 1 percent.
Username :test
This screens for insider ownership greater than 1 percent.
Username :test
US companies with 4 consecutive years of growth, at least a 20 percent 5 year growth rate, an EV/EBITDA ratio of less than 10, and debt less tha 2x EBITDA.
Username :lgrover
Companies with 5 years of negative EBITDA, sub 50 percent YoY revenue growth, and an EV/Revenue ratio of more than 5.
Username :lgrover
USA traded stocks with low EV/EBITDA, positive growth, reasonable debt loads, and strong cash flow.
Username :lgrover
3 percent dividend yield stocks with healthy balance sheets, TTM over TTM growth and healthy balance sheets.
Username :lgrover
US exchange traded stocks that have EV/EBITDA greater than 7, EV/Free Cash Flow less than 7, and a manageable debt load.
Username :lgrover
US Traded technology companies with EV/Revenue greater than 10 and market cap greater than $100M.
Username :lgrover
3 percent dividend yield stocks with healthy balance sheets, TTM over TTM growth and healthy balance sheets. Excludes financial companies.
Username :lgrover
US exchange traded dividend paying stocks with dividend and revenue growth, at least 1 percent dividend yield, and attractive valuation metrics.
Username :lgrover
This screen looks for 3 consecutive quarters and 3 consecutive years of revenue growth with ttm-YoY revenue growth of at least 10 percent; it also requires companies to have P/E ratios of less than 20 and sorts results by P/E.
Username :test
This screen looks for consistent growth, including at least 10 percent YoY revenue growth, less than 20 P/E, and a market cap of less than 2x book value.
Username :test
Growth companies on US exchanges that have revenue of more than 100M and P/E ratios excluding extraordinary items of less than 20.
Username :lgrover
Looking for US exchange traded, profitable, growing companies trading within 20 percent of NCAV. No OTC companies.
Username :lgrover
US traded (non-Chinese) stocks with low EV/EBITDA, positive growth, reasonable debt loads, and strong cash flow.
Username :lgrover
Non-financial companies with book value greater than their market cap.
Username :test
US exchange traded stocks that have EV/EBITDA less than 7, EV/Free Cash Flow less than 7, and a manageable debt load.
Username :lgrover
This is a value screen that looks for companies with current assets less total liabilities of greater than the market cap.
Username :test