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5 March , 2011
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Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2775
This value represents the average TTM Interim Income After Tax for the last 3 years divided by the average of the TTM Interim Revenue for the same period, expressed as a percent. Income After Tax represents the sum of Income Tax (Total) and Income Before Tax.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 3021
This value represents the average TTM Interim Income Before Tax for the last 3 years divided by the average of the TTM Interim Revenue for the same period, expressed as a percent.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 3350
This is the net difference between the number of shares of company stock purchased by institutions and the number of shares sold by institutions in the latest quarter reported by each institution in millions.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 3000
This is the total number of shares of company stock purchased by institutions in the prior quarter in millions.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2823
This is the net difference between the number of SHARES of company stock purchased by officers and directors and the number of shares sold by officers and directors during the preceding six months in millions.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2747
This is the net difference between the NUMBER of officers and directors that purchased the company's stock and the NUMBER of officers and directors that sold the company's stock in the last six months.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 3154
This is the percent of common stock held by all the officers and directors of the company plus beneficial owners who own more than 5 percent of the subject company's stock as disclosed in the most recent proxy statement.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2884
This is the number of shares of company stock purchased by institutions in the latest quarter reported by each institution in millions.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2954
This is the total number of shares of company stock purchased by institutions in the prior quarter in millions.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2732
This is the total number of shares held by all institutions (pension funds, mutual funds, etc.) that report their holdings to the SEC in millions.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2741
This is the total number of shares held by all institutions during the prior quarter in millions.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2676
This is the total number of shares of company stock sold by institutions in the latest quarter reported by each institution in millions.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2755
This is the total number of shares of company stock sold by institutions in the prior quarter in millions.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 3780
This is the percent of common stock held by all the reporting institutions as a group. It is calculated as Total Shares owned by Institutions divided by Total Shares Outstanding multiplied by 100.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2784
This is the percent of common stock held by all the reporting institutions as a group during the prior quarter. It is calculated as Total Shares Owned by Institutions divided by Total Shares Outstanding multiplied by 100.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2959
This is the number of institutions (pension funds, mutual funds, etc.) that currently report an investment position in the company's stock.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2676
This is an Annual Trend Growth of Free Cash Flow, Levered over 10 years. Trend Growth is the Average Annual incremental log linear slope expressed as a percentage. Required 11 latest fiscal year intervals. Free Cash Flow, Levered represents EBITDA minus Income Tax, Total, Cash Interest Paid and Capital Expenditures. NOTE: This value is only available for Industrial and Utility companies.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2908
This is an Annual Trend Momentum of Free Cash Flow, Levered over 10 years. Trend Momentum is derived for the most recent period by subtracting the log linear Estimated index value (in index value units) from the Actual index value and divide by the Estimated index value to derive a % deviation. Subtract from the most recent period % deviation the % deviation of the prior period. Express this difference in % deviation as a percentage. Required 11 latest fiscal year intervals. Free Cash Flow, Levered represents EBITDA minus Income Tax, Total, Cash Interest Paid and Capital Expenditures. NOTE: This value is only available for Industrial and Utility companies.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 3002
This is an Annual Trend Volatility of Free Cash Flow, Levered over 10 years. Trend Volatility is derived by subtract the log linear Estimated index value (in index value units) from the Actual index value and divide by the Estimated index value to derive a % deviation. Repeat this for each observation and average the .absolute. results to derive a % Mean Absolute Deviation. Express this result as a percentage. Required 11 latest fiscal year intervals. Free Cash Flow, Levered represents EBITDA minus Income Tax, Total, Cash Interest Paid and Capital Expenditures. NOTE: This value is only available for Industrial and Utility companies.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20   Views : 2801
This is an Interim Trend Growth of Free Cash Flow, Levered over 5 years. Trend Growth is the Average Annual incremental log linear slope expressed as a percentage. Required 11 latest semi-annual or 21 latest quarterly periods. Free Cash Flow, Levered represents EBITDA minus Income Tax, Total, Cash Interest Paid and Capital Expenditures. NOTE: This value is only available for Industrial and Utility companies.