Our stock screener is built using JavaScript and runs considerably faster on modern browsers (Chrome/Safari/FireFox/Edge). While it will run in some older browsers, the performance is substantially worse than the recommended browsers.
To log into our screener, go to https://stock.screener.co and log in using the username and password you set up when you first registered for your account. If you have since reset your password on our main site, the new password will not work for the screener. If you do not remember your password, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and we can reset it for you.
Note that all currencies are represented as USD (or converted into USD if they were originally reported or represented in a foreign currency)!
After you log in, click on the Markets menu item in the upper left of the screen and select the exchanges that you want to include in your screener results. Screener.co offers global coverage but allows you to narrow your results to a specified list of exchanges. For US-only screens, select:
New York Stock Exchange
Nyse American LLC
Over the Counter
You can optionally exclude Over the Counter if you do not want to return unlisted companies. Now, you are ready to create or load your first screen. If you click on the Screens menu and select Load Screen, you can browse a list of the included screens and immediately load updated results for any of the included screens. When you save a screen, or another user shares a screen, it automatically appears in this list. Let's click Cancel and create a new screen from scratch.
By clicking on Add Condition, you can select from 1,000+ included company data points and add any of them to your screen, along with the criteria for that data point. If you click on Create Free Form Condition, you can just type a formula into the dialog box; it will auto-complete to help you find the names of the data points that you are looking for. Let's create one of each type of condition. First, browse the Add Condition menu and click on:
Add Condition->Income Statement->A->Total Revenue(A)
The A indicates that the data is from the most recent Annual financial statements. A-1 means one year prior's report, etc. I means the data is from the most recent interim period (Quarter for US companies), I-1 means the data is from one interim period prior, etc. Currently, there are 10 years and 10 interim periods of history built into the tool. When you click on the Total Revenue(A) item, a dialog box will appear that will let you specify the condition that must be true for that data point. Let's select ">" from the drop down box and type "100,000,000" into the text box. This will require that the companies returned by this screen have at least 100M USD (or USD equivalents) of revenue in the most recent full year.
Let's save this condition; you will see the condition added to the upper left hand of the screen and the results automatically updated to return only those companies that match the specified condition. Next, let's click on Create Free Form Condition and type the following formula into the text box:
Total Revenue(A) > Total Revenue(A-1)
Let's save this condition. This will require the companies returned by the screen to have revenue in the most recent full year greater than the prior full year. This criteria will automatically be added to the upper left hand corner of the screen and the results will again update to reflect only those companies that match both conditions. You can add an arbitrary number of conditions to each screen.
Now, lets customize the results view. First, click on the check box that says "Use fields and criteria as columns". This will automatically use the variables and formulas defined in your screen when creating the results view. You can also add any included data point or calculated formula to the results view. Lets click on the Columns menu beneath the screener conditions. You can click on any item and it will add itself to the results view. You can also click the Free Form Column menu and define a formula of arbitrary complexity to add to the results view. Finally, you can click on any column (included or calculated) to automatically sort the screener results in ascending or descending order by that column. You can right-click the column headers to move them left or right, or remove them from the view. You can also left-click on any of the rows in the table to move results to the watch-list in the upper right hand corner of the screen. The watchlist view is fully customizable, just like the results view, and you can add/remove columns using the Stock List Columns and upper-right-hand corner Free Form Column menu items.
If you want to save a screen, you can click on the Save Screen button and specify a folder, name, and description for your screen. You can also use the Alerts menu to set up or remove daily e-mail alerts containing the top 50 results (in sorted order) of any included or saved screens.
This should help you use the screener's basic functionality. If you have any questions about how to use the screener, or its more advanced features, feel free to e-mail us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .