Seeking Alpha 18

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Condition1 Current year dividend per share estimate / Price-closing or last bid > 0.02, Don't Include N/A Values
Condition2 Current year dividend per share estimate >= Dividends per share-trailing 12 month, Don't Include N/A Values
Condition3 Total Debt(I) < 2 * EBITDA(A), Don't Include N/A Values
Condition4 EPS Change-TTM over TTM >= 0, Don't Include N/A Values
Condition5 Revenue Change-TTM over TTM >= 0, Don't Include N/A Values
Condition6 Current EV/EBITDA <= 10, Don't Include N/A Values


Field1 Current year dividend per share estimate / Price-closing or last bid
Field2 Current year dividend per share estimate
Field3 Dividends per share-trailing 12 month
Field4 Total Debt(I)
Field5 2 * EBITDA(A)
Field6 EPS Change-TTM over TTM
Field7 Revenue Change-TTM over TTM
Field8 Current EV/EBITDA


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Forward dividend yield of greater than 2 percent, stable or increasing dividend, low debt, growing EPS and revenue, and EV/EBITDA less than 10.

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