Seeking Alpha 14

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Condition1 Country Located In != "China", Don't Include N/A Values
Condition2 Price-closing or last bid > 0.95 * Price-12 month high, Don't Include N/A Values
Condition3 Revenue Change-TTM over TTM > 0, Don't Include N/A Values
Condition4 Revenue Change-year over year > 0, Don't Include N/A Values
Condition5 Exchange Traded On != "Over The Counter", Don't Include N/A Values
Condition6 Current EV/EBITDA < 7, Don't Include N/A Values


Field1 Exchange Traded On
Field2 Country Located In
Field3 Sector
Field4 Revenue-most recent fiscal year
Field5 Revenue Change-year over year
Field6 Price-closing or last bid
Field7 P/E including extraordinary items-TTM
Field8 Current EV/EBITDA


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Non-OTC, non-Chinese stocks trading near their 12 month high with positive revenue growth and an EV/EBITDA ratio of less than 7.

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